Sunday, December 28, 2014

German author and journalist Juergen Todenhoefer: ISIS is more dangerous than al-Qaeda

German author and journalist Juergen Todenhoefer spent ten harrowing days with ISIS in Iraq and Syria. He writes his story for the world to read on 29 December 2014.
Todenhoefer emphasized throughout his interview with CNN that ISIS is ‘far more dangerous, organized, intelligent, and dedicated than the West imagines.’ Yet President Obama stated publicly that ISIS is a mere ‘jayvee’ organization, not equipped to take on the world, converting all to its fundamental interpretation of Islam. If the leader of the most powerful nation in the world sees ISIS through a haze, what hope then for other nations and the world at large? This week and next Christians celebrate the Christmas holidays, family visits, travels, plans for rest and relaxation, while ISIS continues its own schemes to bring the world to its knees.
Is Todenhoefer’s warning to be taken seriously or shrugged off as another fear-monger with no substance? Look at what happened prior to World War I. Nations ignored the rumbles from dissatisfied governments. In 1939 Neville Chamberlain returned to London from Berlin with Hitler’s promise of ‘peace in our time’ in his pocket. As he waved the promise to cheering crowds, Hitler made his next strike and war began in earnest. Ignorance cannot be bliss. We need to know, to learn, to be prepared with knowledge about what is happening with ISIS [Da’ish]. Ignorance only leads to another global catastrophe.

According to an article by Bob Waters in Community Digital News, ‘Western media generally agree that ISIS is more dangerous than al-Qaeda, the press is not informed enough about Islam and its goals to establish any means of measuring the danger.’

Acquire knowledge and information about the Middle East, what is happening now, what are the goals of ISIS, why now and not earlier? Step into the historical shoes of the Middle East; find out how things have escalated so quickly. Has this situation been boiling under the surface for years and are they isolated to a few terrorists [jihadists]? Waters suggests that the ideals of ISIS [Da’ish] are those of millions of Muslims around the world, and they flock to Iraq and Syria to become part of a new global conquest, a ‘paradise’, a promised hope.

Todenhoefer too unmistakably pointed out ISIS members actually want to die in this quest of world conquest. We cannot remain in ignorance. It neither worked in 1914 nor in 1939. As prevention against the same disasters, we must make the year 2015 one of perception and enlightenment.

**Read more by Bob Waters at

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